Here are some interesting links. I do not necessarily agree with everything on a particular web site, or especially as they link to other pages. There are many web sites available on this topic, and these are just a few that I find helpful.
- Websites that Inform Christians About Masonry
- Freemasonry and the New World Order
- Some Denominational Positions Regarding Freemasonry
- Masonry in U.S. History and Mexican History
Websites that Inform Christians About Masonry
Reachout Trust -
The purpose of Reachout Trust is to examine in the light of the Christian gospel the beliefs and spirituality of people within the cults, occults, new age and all not upholding to biblical truth. They also equip Christians, offer help, present the Gospel and work with others who share their purpose.
Jubilee Resources -
Jubilee Resources is based in Australia and offers books, DVD's, articles, training seminar internationally. They publish and distribute a wide range of Christian books and other resources on a range of topics, including spiritual deceptions. These topics include Freemasonry and other secret societies. Books have to be ordered from New Zealand.
For their prayer of release see
Ex-Masons for Jesus -
Ex-Masons for Jesus is an organization
of Christian men and women who were once members of a Masonic Lodge
or one of the affiliated Masonic organizations such as Eastern
Star, DeMolay, Job's Daughters or Rainbow Girls. This site has a Masonic discussion board, open to Masons/non-Masons,
and you can participate without registration. Also has links
to others ministering to Masons.
Ephesians 5:11 -
Ephesians 5:11, is a ministry which specializes in subversive
religious organizations which deny being religions. Subversive
religious organizations are religious organizations which promote
false plans of salvation while claiming to teach truth. Other
subversive groups admit that their organization is a religion. “Have
nothing to do with the fruitless deeds of darkness, but rather
expose them.” - Ephesians 5:11
FOJC Radio / Ritual Abuse Free
Some have experienced ritual abuse in Freemasonry. This is a web
site on healing from that, also a page on how to protect your children
from ritual abuse. -
Saints Alive -
Saints Alive is a ministry primarily to Masons and Mormons,
but also deals with other issues. Ed Decker has books, tapes,
tracts and has been in this ministry for many years. Ed’s years of research on the subject of Freemasonry have led him
to become one of the leading Christian experts on the subject.
His books, booklets, and other materials on the subject are widely
distributed. His taped teaching to the church on this subject
Freemasonry and The Christian Church, is a compelling instruction
to the whole body of Christ.
Freedom Ministries International -
Freedom Ministries International (from England) is
a Christian ministry bringing release from the effects of our forebears'
and/or personal involvement in Freemasonry, Buffaloes, Mormonism,
the Orange Order and many other Lodges and Orders. They
tell that the results of their curse reversal seminars
are electrifying with many healings and miracles.
This site lists many resources that they sell, some on Freemasonry. An interesting aspect of their ministry is repentance for the British Empire. This is a quote from their site:
"Through the British Empire this nation has exported Freemasonry
to virtually every corner the world. It is our heart to travel
to church groups in other nations and repent for the Freemasonry
our forefathers planted in those nations as well as bring the release
that others have experienced through these seminars. We are available
to churches in the UK, Europe and worldwide.”
Grand Lodge of British Columbia and Yukon
Interesting web site with biographies of famous Masons -
They also have a supposedly a humorous look at the celestial lodge (where masons believe they go when they die) and who is there. In it you will find listed famous freemasons. -
Choosing Truth Ministries -
This web site has an excellent article on the relationship of
Freemasonry and Scouting. -
Freemasonry and the New World Order
Gary Kah's ministry -
Gary Kah's ministry "Hope for the World" One of his purposes
is to expose those activities and organizations which are working
to undermine American freedoms, are threatening traditional "Christian" values, or are advancing an occult New Age/One World agenda.
Illuminati Conspiracy Archive -
There are many theories about how Freemasonry is related to the
new world order. These are considered conspiracy theories. This
web site has a variety of articles.
Scarlet and The Beast -
John Daniel has published an extensive three volume set on the
war between English and French Freemasonry. He examines 1500 years
of "Political, financial, and spiritual intrigue between two
conspiratorial powers." in his book that you can find here.
Christian Resource Centre (Bermuda) -
A site listing prominent Christian Masons who defend Freemasonry
Includes several influential leaders, including Norman Vincent Peale
Some Denominational Positions Regarding Freemasonry
I remember a former pastor telling us that whenever you find people, or a denomination, who believe the Bible, the Word of God, is true, there will be a lot of agreement. So the position on the Word is relevant. The more liberal denominations (those who don’t hold to an inerrant word of God) will be in disagreement with those who do. I hope the following will be helpful. There is an ongoing Wikipedia artcle on Christian attitudes towards Freemasonry -
Anglicans -
Archbishop of Canterbury, Justin Welby, is not now, nor has he ever been a Freemason, a spokesman for Lambeth Palace told Anglican Ink this week. However, the archbishop’s staff declined to comment on the archbishop’s views on the compatibility of freemasonry and Christianity.
While his predecessor, Lord Rowan Williams, was an outspoken opponent of freemasonry, blocking masons from senior positions in the church, his successor has so far been silent. The Church of England’s official stance on masonry was set by the June 1987 meeting of General Synod in York, which held Christianity and freemasonry were not compatible.
Southern Baptists
I wrote to them and received the following:
Thank you for your note. The SBC has never taken a stand either way on the Masons or freemasonry (or even secret societies in general) in our history. I checked our list of resolutions and found none related to this topic. Nevertheless, please note that some state Baptist organizations or local churches may have adopted a resolution concerning the Masonic movement.
The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want. Psalms 23:1
Office of Convention Relations
Office of Convention Relations (OCR)
Executive Committee of the Southern Baptist Convention
901 Commerce Street
Nashville, TN 37203
More on SBC and Freemasons
Orthodox Church (Russian and Greek) -
Lutheran Church/Missouri Synod - Most of the official articles are in pdf format, so you will need to google LCMS and Freemasonry and you will find them. Another interesting site in a Christian forum.
United Methodists - A statement by a Methodist bishop... "why I am a freemason."
I asked a Methodist friend to investigate. She located this information.
Greetings from InfoServ, the United Methodist information service!
Your message reached our offices at United Methodist Communications
in Nashville, Tennessee, USA. Hello and thank you for writing. The
United Methodist Church has no official statement or position regarding
freemasonry. InfoServ is provided by the World Service Fund through
United Methodist Communications.
Presbyterian Church in America
Therefore be it resolved that Westminster Presbytery strongly urges and overtures the 13th General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church in America, meeting in St. Louis, Missouri, to appoint a study committee to bring back its recommendations to the Fourteenth General Assembly.
This is from 1987, I found another such statement in 1984, but it has been difficult to find the current statement. You can go to Wikipedia and find current positions on Freemasonry by many denominations, but I have not been able to contact Presbyterian church USA directly, and their website is very vague. I would guess that Freemasons are permitted as members.
Following is the Canadian position, and I would guess it is similar to the Presbyterian Church, USA
I did find this link from the Orthodox Presbyterian church but I would say they are wrong to say no information is available. That is what Masons want you to believe. I found much available, perhaps not specifically on freemasonry and Presbyterians. Some of what they say is accurate, but much is not. This link is more accurate about Freemasonry.
Another article I found said this:
Among the camps documented by collections here at PHS, Presbyterian Hill was organized in 1909 by the First and Second Presbyterian Churches of Springfield, Mo., built on a bluff overlooking Branson. Beginning with three-week summer getaways for local Presbyterians, by the 1920s the site operated year-round, becoming a destination for groups within the temperance and evangelical movements, hosting the Women's Christian Temperance Union, the Chautauqua Association and the Freemasons.
Protestant Churches -
Roman Catholicism -
This is a good site, explaining historical positions, with links to many other topics of interest. Many thought that the post-Vatican II position changed the church’s position, but later it was said this was due to one letter, and it was a wrong interpretation.
In taking a look at this again (March, 2021) it seems to me that while Roman Catholicism takes an official stand against Freemasonry, Freemasonry welcomes Catholics into its fold, even into high positions in Masonry.
Other Religions
There are those who have linked many world religions with Freemasonry,
especially Hinduism, Judaism. As the Shriners take a vow to Allah,
a link is also seen to Islam.
Masonry in U.S. History and Mexican History
Dr. Paul Rich is a Fellow of the Royal Historical Society (London) and the Hoover Institution (Stanford University), and a member of the Scottish and York Masonic Rites. He has lived in Mexico, written about Mexican Freemasonry, as well as many other aspects of Freemasonry. At the following site you can find some papers dealing specifically with Mexico. At the following site you can find some papers dealing specifically with Mexico. Some of the links no longer work, but many do.
I have two unpublished papers on my web site. One is on the United States, the other on George Washington. Search under articles, where you will also find an article on the Mexican American War and on Benito Juarez. All articles are bilingual, in English and Spanish.