Books on Freemasonry
- Academic Studies of Freemasonry
- Books Written by Former Masons or Their Descendents
- Other Books Exposing Freemasonry
- Books Linking Aspects of Freemasonry to the New World Order
- Christian Historians Consider U.S. History
- Videos, DVD's
Academic Studies of Freemasonry
Freemasonry on both sides of the Atlantic, Essays concerning the Craft in the British Isles, Europe, the United States, and Mexico, Edited by R. William Weisberger, Wallace McLeod, S. Brent Morris, East European Monographs, Boulder, Distributed by Columbia University Press, New York, 2002
This is a collection of thirty seven essays, written both by Masons and non-Masons, grouped into five parts: Freemasonry in Scotland and England, The Craft in Europe, Masonry and anti-Masonry in the United States, Freemasonry in Mexico, Masonic Libraries and bibliography. Several of the essays have been published elsewhere; most are new.
The Rosicrucian Enlightenment Revisited, edited by Ralph White,
Lindisfarne Books, 1999
This is a collection of nine essays, from two conferences held in 1995 and 1997. The participants desired to rediscover the Rosicrucian ambience in the small town of Cesky Krumlov in Southern Bohemia. The second conference was in Prague, made the center of alchemy and hermetic philosophy by the Emperor Rudolf II (1576-1612). Prague was also the capital of the Holy Roman Empire. It is titled The Rosicrucian Enlightenment Revisited, as there was an earlier book, The Rosicrucian Enlightenment, published in 1972 by Francis Yates.
Mexican-Americans have pointed to the Puritans as the culprits for Manifest Destiny. I was interested in looking at Rosicrucian influence on the Puritans, believing that the Rosicrucian focus on an ideal society impacted the Puritans, as indeed it did.
The Origins of Freemasonry, Scotland's century, 1590-1710,
by David Stevenson, Cambridge University Press, 1988
This is a study of Freemasonry in 17th century Scotland. The author notes that too seldom has Freemasonry been studied by historians in its wider context. Although Freemasonry officially began in London in 1717, he examines copious evidence that it existed a century earlier in Scotland. His research on the "Covenanters" led him into this study, and he believes that masonry has provided the classic structure for secret organizations in the world.
The Rise of the Lone Star, The Making of Texas, Andreas V. Reichstein
Texas A & M University Press, 1989.
Reichstein explored many aspects of Texas history, one of those being the role of Freemasonry. Another book on Texas history is written by James David Carter, Masonry in Texas. Carter, a Mason, wrote this book as a result of his PhD work at the University of Texas, Austin. Most U.S. States have recorded history of Masonry. The majority of these books are written by Masons and often have little appeal to the general public. One notable exception is Freemasonry in Federalist Connecticut, Dorothy Ann Lipson, Princeton University Press, 1977.
Revolutionary Brotherhood, Freemasonry and the Transformation of
the American Social Order, 1730-1840, by Steven C. Bullock -The
University of North Carolina Press, 1996
An excellent study of Freemasonry in U.S. history, "tracing its beginnings from the learned circles around Sir Isaac Newton in London during the early 18th Century to the considerably less lofty world of Andrew Jackson more than a hundred years later." He considered the role of Masonry in introducing the enlightenment, and also in helping to create the culture of democracy and individualism. The American Revolution with its goals of liberty and equality is also linked to Freemasonry.
Revolution and Freemasonry, 1680-1800, Bernard Fay, Boston
Little and Brown, 1935
A fascinating read about the influence of Freemasons in the American Revolution. You will get a new view of Benjamin Franklin
Living the Enlightenment, Freemasonry and Politics in 18th Century
Europe, Margaret C. Jacob, Oxford University Press, 1991, and
The Radical Enlightenment: Pantheists, Freemasons and Republicans,
the Temple Press, 1993, revised edition by Margaret C. Jacob.
Margaret Jacob is somewhat of a pioneer in academic research on Freemasonry. She argues that modern civil society was impacted greatly by forms of self-government developed in the lodge, in France, Britain, the Netherlands and Belgium. Here men learned to deal with constitutions and laws, elections, representatives. Much of her research is based on archives only opened up after WWII. A study of European history would be incomplete without this valuable research.
Spirit Wars, Pagan Revival in Christian America by Peter Jones
Wine Press Publishing, 1997
This book does not deal directly with Freemasonry, but as Masonry was influenced by Gnosticism, there is a connection. This is a sequel to Jone's earlier book, "The Gnostic Empire Strikes Back." Jones, native of England, has a PhD from Princeton and is currently a professor or scholar in residence at Westminster seminary in Escondido, California. He demonstrates that at "the dawn of a new world millennium, two world views collide: pagan monism and theism "the earth goddess or the God who made heaven and earth." No longer is the contest between godless atheistic materialism and Christianity, but rather God the Father and Mother Earth. Excellent, thought provoking.
Books Written by Former Masons or Their Descendents
The Character, Claims and Practical Workings of Freemasonry,
by Charles G. Finney, 1869 with 1998 additions: Foreword by
Ed Decker, Introduction and Epilog: John Daniel, also includes four
testimonies of pastors persecuted by Masons.
Many Christians do not realize that the evangelist/revivalist Finney was formerly a Masonic lawyer. Many believe that his stand against Freemasonry brought revival. He was active, together with Jonathan Blanchard, president of Wheaton College, in forming the anti-Masonic party.
Freemasonry: The Invisible Cult in our Midst, by Jack Harris,
Whitaker House, 1983
Jack Harris is a former worshipful master. He sees Masonry as a satanic cult and tells why, exposing the secret passwords and oaths, basic doctrines and goals.
What You Need to Know about Masons, by Ed Decker, Harvest
House Publishers, 1992
Ed Decker has a long, effective ministry to Mormons and Masons. His father and grandfather were Masons; Ed left DeMoLay (Masonic group for young men) to join the Mormons. Years later, after becoming a Christian he began to speak about the LDS ritual and was accused by angry Masons of exposing their ritual. That caused him to begin a search, learning that the Masonic lodge was the foundation of the LDS ritual. This book, however, is a novel. A small town pastor is drawn into Masonry by other church members. It provides much information about Freemasonry in an interesting format. Ed Decker was poisoned by Masons in Scotland, but thankfully survived.
Ed's years of research on the subject of Freemasonry have led him to become one of the leading Christian experts on the subject. His books, booklets, and other materials on the subject are widely distributed. His taped teaching to the Church on this subject, Freemasonry and The Christian Church, is a compelling instruction to the whole body of Christ.
Other Books Exposing Freemasonry
Christian Set Yourself... Free from Freemasonry by Derek Robert
This is an excellent workbook that will enable you to break the curses spoken by your parents, grandparents, and ancestors. It also has a section on scouting that I have not seen elsewhere. The founder of the boy scouts, Lord Baden-Powell, was a Freemason. This workbook is also available in Spanish. Order from his web site. Unfortunately there is no U.S. outlet.
Letters on Freemasonry by John Quincy Adams, 1833, reprinted
2001 by Texe Marrs.
Texe Marrs has written many books on Masonry, done much research. He definitely considers it a conspiracy, and has been quite controversial. You can check his work at
John Quincy Adams, sixth president of the United States, was involved in the formation of the anti-Masonic party. These are letters he has written exposing both the political and religious nature of Freemasonry. There is much information of the Morgan affair, an ex-Mason who was ritually murdered for exposing secrets. In the preface to these letters he writes, "...from the time of the Revolution it (Freemasonry) spread more rapidly, until in the first quarter of the present century it had succeeded in winding itself through all the departments of the body politic in the United States, and in claiming the sanction of many of the country's most distinguished men... influence in the sacred desk, in the legislative hall, and on the bench of justice... "
The Brotherhood by Stephen Knight, Grafton Books, 1985
Published in Britain, this book caused a sensation. Written by a journalist, it was serialized by the London Evening News. He was investigating the impact of Freemasonry on many areas of society. It provoked many investigations, many angry threats. Stephen Knight died at age 33 from a brain tumor.
According to Martin Short, author of Inside the Brotherhood, many Masons rejoiced and felt justice was done. Martin Short carried on the research, Grafton Books, 1990.
Behind the Lodge Door, by Paul A. Fisher, Tan Books, 1991
Written from a Catholic perspective, Masons (according to Amazon. COM reviews) disliked this book, whereas Catholics found it helpful. It is an overview of the Masonic fraternity dealing with four areas 1) the religious education issue in the United States, 2) opposition to the Catholic Church 3) the molding and directing of national political and social policy and 4) how Masons attract their members. Other topics are the roots of Freemasonry in mystery religions and Gnosticism, the practice of Freemasonry in other countries, and the influence on the Supreme Court.
Free from Freemasonry, by Ron. G. Campbell, Regal Books, 1999
Exposes Freemasonry and the Masons' worship of false gods but goes on to "compassionately show the way to spiritual deliverance and freedom. " (back cover, comment by Dutch Sheets) From a forward by Peter Wagner, "he reveals it for what it is" hard-core of the results of the widespread trivialization of idolatry in our churches has been to assume a neutral or even a benevolent attitude towards Freemasonry. I am appalled when I hear statistics on the number of pastors who are Freemasons and when I learn of the reluctance of some denominational executives to take action...It is a blatant violation of the 1st commandment, "Thou shall have no other gods before me." (Exodus 20:3). It is my prayer that this book will turn this tide around."
The Southern Baptist Convention and Freemasonry, by James
L. Holly, M.D., published by Mission and Ministry to Men, Inc.
The purpose of this booklet was to encourage the Southern Baptist Convention to take a stand on the issue of Freemasonry. Dr. Holly saw Freemasonry as one hindrance to revival. He focused on the 20th degree of the Scottish Rite, as it was the most occult. He and Rev. Charles Burchett presented a resolution to the 1985 Southern Baptist Convention. The decision, which I believe still stands, is that although Freemasonry contradicts scripture in many ways, it was up to each congregation, each individual to prayerfully consider his decision. This decision was because of the doctrine of the priesthood of all believers. You can read this at
Christianity and the Secret Teachings of the Masonic Lodge
by John Ankerberg and John Weldon, 1989, Secret Teachings of
the Masonic Lodge: A Christian Perspective, Ankerberg and Weldon,
The first book is directed to Christians involved in Masonry and also to those who want to know how it contradicts the Christian faith. The second is a further study of the first. Reviewed by many Masons on Amazon. COM. They definitely don't like it! Other readers offered positive comments.
Books Linking Aspects of Freemasonry to the
New World Order
Guardians of the Grail by J.R. Church, Prophecy Publications,
revised ed., 1991, Prophecy Publications, Oklahoma City, OK
Long before Dan Brown wrote his best-selling book, The DaVinci Code, other authors discussed the royal plot to establish a one world government. J.R. Church is a student of Biblical prophecy. He deals principally with the coming one world government and the rise of the coming world dictator, called the "antichrist" in the Bible. What is behind the legend of the Holy Grail, the alleged affair between Jesus Christ and Mary Magdalene? How is the legend related to the royalty of Europe and the coming anti- Christ? These are some of his topics.
Holy Blood, Holy Grail by Michael Baigent, Richard Leigh
and Henry Lincoln, 1983, Dell Publishing
This is another book on the same topic, written by journalists. It is well-researched, attempting to be objective and not draw conclusions, although they give the impression that this questionable marriage could have happened. They have also written (with the exception of Henry Lincoln) The Temple and the Lodge, which considers the history of the Knights Templars and their flight to Scotland, linked eventually to the Stuart royal family. Both the Knights Templars and Rosicrucians can be considered forerunners of the Freemasons.
En Route to Global Occupation, (1991), and The New
World Religion (1999) are books by Gary H. Kah, founder of Hope
for the World Ministry, a newsletter and web site to keep readers
His first book, En Route to Global Occupation, deals with the coming plans, economic, political and spiritual of the new world order. The New World Religion deals more specifically with the spiritual roots of the new world order, new world occultism. He brings understanding about the relationship of Freemasonry to the New World Order. Gary has many other books and resources available.
Christian Historians Consider U.S. History
Christian historians have disagreements about whether or not the U.S. was founded as a Christian country. Those who teach this believe that revisionists have changed history, covered up Christian roots. They work hard to encourage Christians to return to their Christian past, to reclaim the United States for Christianity. Some authors like this would be David Barton, Peter Marshall, James Kennedy, Tim LaHaye, Jerry Falwell.
Other Christian historians view our history from a more balanced perspective, including other aspects, acknowledging the influence of the enlightenment. They consider the concept of "Christian nation," asking whether this perspective is harmful or helpful to Christian action in society. Among those authors are Mark A. Noll, professor of history at Wheaton, Nathan O. Hatch, professor of history at Notre Dame, and George M. Marsden, Professor of history in the divinity school at Duke University. I would recommend The Search for Christian America, Helmers & Howard, 1989, co-authored by Noll, Hatch, and Marsden. In our early history Roger Williams and Jonathan Edwards also warned about entangling Christianity with patriotism and uncritical nationalism.
Personally, I wish that both those who view this as a Christian nation and those who are more skeptical would include the study of Freemasonry. To ignore it is to ignore an important facet of our history. David Barton does acknowledge the influence, although he downplays it by saying it grew much worse with the addition of the teaching of Albert Pike. This is true, but Freemasonry was anti-Christian always.
Under links there are many web sites that will have videos. Videos that I have seen and would recommend are:
Freemasonry: From Darkness to Light? This discusses prominent Americans who have been Masons and analyzes the spiritual dangers of Freemasonry. 1991 Jeremiah Films, Inc.
The Clash Between Christianity and the Lodge, John Ankerberg, 1993
In Search of History, Secret Brotherhood of Freemasons, 1998, The History Channel, A & E Television Networks
The Unexplained Secret Societies, 1997, A & E Television Networks
The Skulls, Universal Pictures, full-length feature, 2000 - Investigation of Yale's Skull and Bones, of which President Bush is a member. This is fictional. Probably only an insider would be able to evaluate its accuracy.
National Treasure, Disney, 2005 - Although touted as the ‘Indiana Jones' of the New Millennium, I was surprised at the exposure of Masonic influences in the United States. Not surprisingly, it seems to have made little impact.