
A web site is a reasonable way to make often-copied papers available. If you are curious about Masonic involvement in Mexican and to some extent, U.S. history, I hope these papers will be helpful. I will recommend other web sites and some recent books. Eventually, I hope to have my thesis translated and available, "The Cross and the Compass: Bringing Religious Tolerance to Mexico."

  • Freemasonry in Early United States History - pdf 188kb
    This paper examines the influence Masons had on the separation of church and state, as well as focusing on the Masonic activity of Benjamin Franklin, George Washington and other founding fathers. Early beginnings of Masonry in the U.S. are also discussed.
  • What is the Truth about George? - pdf 155kb
    An examination of the Christian and Masonic beliefs of George Washington, the first United States president. Included is a Latin American perspective.

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