Additional Writings

  • Christian Nation? - pdf 59 kb
    This is an unpublished article I intended for Lutheran Witness. I compare Lutheran and Reformed positions on church and state, also addressing the question of whether it is God's intent to have a Christian nation today.
  • Article published in Intercesores por Mexico - pdf 57 kb
    This short article was written for a Mexican prayer bulletin. It is for Mexicans who wish to pray about the history of Freemasonry in their country. Praying with information can be most helpful, and this gives a brief explanation.
  • Freemasons and the Bible - pdf 103 kb
    This is from Christian Living, David Barton's organization in Aledo, Texas. It is an excellent witness tool as it simply juxtaposes quotes from the Bible with Masonic sources.
  • Rotary in Argentina and the World - pdf 77 kb
    This is a short excerpt I translated from the book Masonerîa en Argentina y el Mundo (Masonry in Argentina and the World) by Anibal A. Rottjer, 1973. It is from a Roman Catholic perspective and relates the story of Masons who began Rotary in Chicago, Illinois. It compares the two organizations, alerting Christians.
  • Cornerstones from Two Perspectives - pdf 95 kb
    I have selected verses from the Bible and quotes from Masonic writings in order to contrast the two perspectives on cornerstones, an important concept in both Christianity and Freemasonry.
  • Masonic Thoughts on Freedom - pdf 8 kb
    Here are two quotes, of which many could be given, illustrating the mixture of patriotism and Christianity, so prevalent in Freemasonry. They are quotes from two Masons, J.C. Penney, and an Italian Mason, Pompeo Cappini, the sculptor of the piece immediately in front of the Alamo, San Antonio, Texas.

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